



更新日期:2010/02/10 02:33



全球觀眾期待已久,由音樂劇大師安德魯洛伊韋伯打造的《歌劇魅影》第二集《真愛不滅Love Never Dies》(暫譯),終於將於3月9日在倫敦首演。台灣觀眾尚無緣親炙大師新作,不過音樂劇原聲帶將於首演當日在全球發行。劇中「魅影(Phantom)」所演唱的新歌〈妳的歌聲 Till I Hear You Sing〉將於今日在飛碟電台首播。




《歌劇魅影》續集3月首演 新歌今搶先聽







太好奇了,於是上網找了續集中應該算是魅影的主題曲吧!! -- Till I Hear You Sing

乍見新魅影 Ramin Karimloo ,心想找這位演員也未免太年輕了吧!!原魅影就有一定的年紀了,這續集又是10年以後~有點質疑??

但聽完整首後心中完全沒有質疑了~Ramin Karimloo 歌聲非常渾厚,有著跟他年輕外表不同的成熟味道~~聽得我頭皮發麻...............


故事內容讓我想起新聞常報的恐怖情人~經過十年人家都結婚生子了還想盡辦法接近對方~~恐怖哦~~以前凌晨趕工邊聽這齣音樂劇都不敢從頭聽到尾,聽到真的會有害怕的感覺,所以都跳著聽~~續集恐怕也是吧!!Till I Hear You Sing 這首就可以在選單之內,哈~~期待原聲帶囉!!!!



Love Never Dies - Till I Hear You Sing


The day starts, the day ends
Time crawls by
Night steals in, pacing the floor
The moments creep,
Yet I cant bear to sleep
Till I hear you sing

And weeks pass, and months pass
Seasons fly
Still you dont walk through the door
And in a haze
I count the silent days
Till I hear you sing once more.

And sometimes at night time
I dream that you are there
But wake holding nothing but the empty air

And years come, and years go
Time runs dry
Still I ache down to the core
My broken soul
Cant be alive and whole
Till I hear you sing once more

And music, your music
It teases at my ear
I turn and it fades away and youre not here

Let hopes pass, let dreams pass
Let them die
Without you, what are they for?
Ill always feel
No more than halfway real
Till I hear you sing once more




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    Hui's Crazy World

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